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Mount Compass Shops, Carparking and Streetscape Project

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Civil Tech Pty Ltd was recruited by the Alexandrina Council in order to create a beautiful Streetscape in Mount Compass. This project consisted of Earthworks, Sedimentation Control Measures, Dust Control, Storm water Drainage, Pavement Construction, Traffic Control.

Project including the construction of new car-parking area with channelized turning lanes and vehicle thoroughfare, median islands and long vehicle parking bays.

Civil Tech Pty Ltd constructed retaining walls, fencing, kerb and gutter, storm water systems, asphalted car-parking and access road, median islands, speed humps and changes to the line marking on the main Victor Harbour Road. Mount Compass shop area included an upgrade of the exposed aggregate footpaths, alfresco diner areas, casual seating areas, rain gardens, vegetated landscapes, stone walls, stairs, ramps, street lighting and wheelchair access to the toilet block. Project was undertaken in a safe manner, with minimal interruptions to small businesses.

Let’s Work Together

Address:           231 Fullarton Rd, Eastwood SA 5063, Australia



Telephone:       (08) 8271 7400 

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